dielectric ellipsoid中文什么意思

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  1. 3 . the solution for the distribution of potential internal the dielectric ellipsoid has been obtained by means of ellipsoidal coordinates , and has obtainted the expression of the polarization field strength in the dielectric ellipsoid , calculated the included angle value of polarization vector and the external field vector , making programe to compute to get the relation shetch between the included angle value of polarization vector and the external field vector and we have discussed the result and hold that the direction of polarization field strength with that of the external field don ’ t always strict antiparallel


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  3. dielectric drying 什么意思
  4. dielectric drying stove 什么意思
  5. dielectric effect 什么意思
  6. dielectric embossing 什么意思
  7. dielectric expansion 什么意思
  8. dielectric experiment 什么意思
  9. dielectric failure 什么意思
  10. dielectric fatigne 什么意思


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